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- ShowFont 3.3 - by Arthur Johnson Jr.
- ====================================
- Last update date - 02/11/89
- ---------------------------
- ****************************************************************************
- * To see just the changes since revision ?.?, check out the improved *
- * "Revisions n' Updates" section at the end of this documentation! *
- ****************************************************************************
- This program allows you to quickly and painlessly view all 256
- characters in a typical font. I wrote it because using FontEd or (choke!)
- NotePad to see what a font looks like can be slow, tedious, monotonous, etc.
- To use this program, simply type "ShowFont [font_name] [font_size]".
- Both the [font_name] (Topaz, Ruby, etc.) and [font_size] (8, 12, etc.) are
- purely optional. If you do not specify a size, ShowFont will check all your
- available fonts and then show you what sizes/styles of the font you wanted
- exist. If you also omitted the font, you can select what font/size/style to
- see by using the font requester. More on this below. Note that you
- currently cannot select a [font_style] to see. You must do this through the
- requester. Also, ShowFont currently hits the fan when it encounters a SIZE
- with multiple styles, i.e., italics AND underlined. It won't bomb, but it
- "has trouble" finding/displaying the correct font. I'll try to fix this in
- version 3.4.
- By the way, if someone makes an icon for this program, it might just
- run from WorkBench. Since I never use WorkBench, I haven't bothered testing
- this. (Version 3.3 note: What? Load WorkBench? Feh.)
- So, what's the font selector like? Well, I've tried to make it pretty
- standard, including all the neat features most of the better ones have. To
- select a font, size, or style, simply click on it with the left button.
- When you have the desired font, size, and style selected, press the OK
- button. You can now (3.1) just double-click on the font, size, or style to
- view the font, size, and style you like.
- To scroll around the font, size, and style lists, click on the arrows
- or slider gadgets. Since you've probably used their like in other programs,
- you probably already know what they do. Note that you can hold down the
- left button over these gadgets and the list will scroll rapidly (Version 3.2
- note: extremely rapidly) in the direction of the arrow you're over. You can
- also do this with the slider gadget and move up and down to scroll over the
- whole list. To stop the scrolling, release the button.
- If you decide you really don't want to look at a different font than
- what you had been checking out, press the CANCEL button.
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Because most everyone changes their Preferences colors, the */
- /* colors I mention below might not be correct for your system. Just */
- /* translate what the colors should be on your system (if you've changed */
- /* them). The original colors were blue, white, black, and orange (in */
- /* order of how you can change them in Preferences). Just look to see */
- /* what your colors are where and things should be pretty easy to */
- /* understand. Then again, they may not. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- If the sizes of the font you've selected are printed in WHITE, the
- font is non-proportional (TOPAZ). If they are printed in ORANGE, they are
- proportional (most everything else). I added this so you can easily see
- what fonts you may have are non-proportional, since they are real nice when
- trying to make tables and stuff that needs to be columnarly [sic?]
- organized. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, non-proportional
- fonts take up the same number of pixels per character, i.e., an 'i' takes
- as much space as an 'm'. Proportional fonts space the characters according
- to how wide they are, i.e., an 'i' would definitely take less space to
- write than an 'm'. Don't know what a pixel is? Pixels are the small dots
- that can be seen if you press your face to your terminal screen. What's
- a terminal screen? Well, etc., etc.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- The above explanation is a perfectly good RECURSIVE DEFINITION example.
- But anyway, back to the documentation.
- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Clicking CANCEL when you've just booted the program without any default
- font will cause the program to display TOPAZ 11 (if it exists). I don't know
- why it doesn't use TOPAZ 8. I've tried to tell it to many times and in many
- ways, but it ignores me. C'est la vie. But you would never do that anyway,
- would you? Someday, I'll try to track down and eliminate this one-time
- fault. Version 3.3 note: I HATE THIS PROBLEM!!!
- * NOTE * ShowFont looks in the FONTS: directory for all its fonts.
- If you wish to look in another fonts directory (because you split up
- your fonts into separate directories to please programs like DPaint),
- exit ShowFont, re-ASSIGN FONTS: to whatever directory you like, and
- then re-run ShowFont.
- For a change, I think I will try to organize this documentation a bit
- by listing all the menus and what each selection does. If this is too
- orderly for you, please call and tell me and I'll try to make it more
- confusing next time.
- Menu - Option What is it?
- -------------------- -----------
- Project - About Gives some useless information about the program.
- Project - Quit Exits the program.
- Fonts - Font Selection Brings up the font selecting requester.
- Screen - 320 x 200 Changes the screen size to 320 x 200.
- Screen - 320 x 400 Uhm...
- Screen - 640 x 200 Duh...
- Screen - 640 x 400 ???...
- Notice that all the menu options except the 'Screen' menu stuff have
- short key-equivalents, i.e., you can press Right Amiga-? to select that
- menu selection, where ? is whatever letter is displayed after the neat
- Amiga symbol in the menu.
- If the font is found, ShowFont will display "font_name-font_size" in
- the upper left-hand corner of the screen next to the CLOSE gadget. To see
- the rest of the font (if all 256 characters cannot fit on the screen at
- once), use the three gadgets on the right-hand side of the screen. Again,
- their function closely resembles their appearance. Fiddle around for about
- three seconds and you will be quite familiar and comfortable with scrolling
- around a font. Again, you can just hold down the button and scroll happily
- in whatever direction you like.
- Note that actually all 256 characters will not be displayed if there
- are blank (empty) characters. The program will skip them, since they are
- rather uninteresting, being blank. The program will display that segment
- of the characters that the font says should be displayed. Two-to-one
- someone has some neat secret graphics just outside the official display
- range, but we'll never know.
- As of version 3.3, I've added the ability to find out just how to get
- that neat graphics character you see. Just click on the character, and a
- little requester will pop up and tell you what keys to press to get it.
- The alphabetic keys (A -> Z) will all be in upper-case. That does NOT
- mean you have to (for example), press ALT-SHIFT-A when you see 'ALT-A'.
- Just press the ALT and then the A keys. Only press SHIFT when it explicitly
- tells you to. The lowercase 's' and 'm' you might see refer to the SPACE
- BAR and KEYPAD MINUS (-), respectively (not sexual practices - whoops!).
- * NOTE * Anything telling you to press CONTROL-[ALT-]_ is suspicious, as I
- did not have a table for the characters from decimal 0 -> 31, and 128 ->
- 159. Take the "press..." advice with a grain o' salt for these characters.
- If some kind soul will send me a complete keymap with those values noted,
- I will add them. Note that CONTROL-? or CONTROL-ALT-? means that ShowFont
- THINKS you press CONTROL (or CONTROL-ALT) to get that character, but does
- not know what particular key. Sorry. Hopefully, that'll all be cleared up
- in 3.4.
- To exit the program, click on the CLOSE gadget or select the menu
- "Quit" option or press Right-Amiga-Q. I like three ways to end a program!
- Actually, you can also end the program by:
- 1) Control Amiga-Amiga
- 2) Turning off your computer's power
- 3) Striking the system with great force with a large, blunt object
- That now makes a total of six ways to terminate the program. I'm sure
- clever people will find even more imaginative and useful ways to end the
- font session.
- I guess the best advice I can give you for using and understanding this
- program is to type 'showfont' from CLI and fiddle around for a while until
- you either comprehend all the features or delete the program in a fit o'
- passion. In fact, most bugs are detected this way through random menu and
- gadget selecting.
- I'll apologize now for this rather random and odd documentation file,
- but I'm usually dazed and confused after my program successfully runs
- without any apparent bugs. On a technical note, the Lattice 5.0 C "big"
- compiler and global optimizer compiled this program without comment. I like
- that. I used the following to compile the program:
- lc -g -L -M -O showfont sfstructs
- fixhunk showfont
- I would like to thank the National Type Foundry for sending me some
- fonts, and the CityDesk creators for that program.
- As you might have guessed from reading all the references to version
- 3.4, it'll probably be a while before it comes out. College is actually
- getting rather time-intensive, so I don't know when the next version will be
- available. I thought that the new feature (and the embarrassing bug fix)
- warranted a release of 3.3. Especially since 3.4 might have to wait for the
- Amiga 3000. 8-)
- That's it! Any comments/questions/suggestions/flames/improvements/
- etc., can be directed to the following address:
- *****************************
- * Arthur Johnson Jr. *
- * 225 Montego Bay Court *
- * Merritt Island, FL 32953 *
- * (407) 277-0548 *
- *****************************
- ...or any of the following electronic addresses:
- Arthur Johnson Jr. -=> {uiucuxc, hoptoad, petsd}!peora!rtmvax!bilver!alj
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=> alj@bilver.UUCP
- -=> PLink: DUNG
- -=> GEnie: A.JOHNSONJR
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- I guess I should add that this program and source are PUBLIC DOMAIN in
- all ways, except that if you dare to sell this program by itself for fun n'
- profit, you will be found and terminated. Other than that, feel free to do
- whatever you like with the program, although give me some credit somewhere...
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Revisions n' Updates
- --------------------
- Version 3.3 : Fixed a bug that caused ShowFont to lump similiarly-named
- fonts together (whoopsie!).
- Added "To get that character, press..." feature.
- Version 3.2 : Eliminated slider gadgets happy post-release flickering.
- Returned a satisfactory response to the system when exiting
- from a RUN-ned ShowFont, exterminating that error message.
- Polished the code up quite a lot for some noticeable speed
- and size improvements.
- Worked on the documentation some more (this will be assumed
- for all future versions)
- Discarded the somewhat useless and potentially dangerous
- "Read FONTS:" menu option.
- A few other little thingies.
- Version 3.1 : Fixed a bug in the 'Read FONTS:' menu selection.
- Added "double-clicking" selection method.
- Cleaned up the documentation a bit.
- Version 3.0 and below : These records were destroyed in the great fire,
- earthquake, plague, hurricane, tsunami, volcanic
- eruption, insect infestation, computer virus, and
- alien attack of 1988. I apologize for any
- inconvenience this may cause.